Know God
1. Read Acts 4:10-12 & Isaiah 28:16-17. Discuss what a cornerstone is. What does it mean exactly when it says in these passages that Jesus is the cornerstone? If mankind has rejected the cornerstone, how does it affect the laying of the foundation and in effect the entire building? Everything we should believe and the way we should live as Christians is built on the foundation of Christ. What happens when we get that out of order in our daily lives? Discuss as a group.
2. Read 2 Corinthians 5:20-21 & Acts 17:31. Without Jesus as our foundation, everything else will fail, will crumble. The purpose of this foundation is to reconcile us to God and bring justice to the world. Without Jesus there is no reconciliation or justice for the world. How would this affect you in a personal way? Discuss.
3. Read Acts 4:10-12. Jesus should be our foundation. We already know and have established this, but what are some of the things that get in the way of that? What are some things we replace a foundation in Christ with? How does this affect you personally? Discuss with the group some personal situations where you have replaced the foundation of Christ with something else.