He Is First In All Things
1. Read Matthew 6:31-33. We have heard this scripture countless times in the church setting. What does it actually mean to seek God’s Kingdom first? Statistics tell us that the hardest place to put God first is in our finances. Why do you think that is? Discuss any issues you may have with this with the group.
2. Read Exodus 13:1-2. God gave us His best, His first, through His son. We fall short of this so often. What are some of the personal reasons we tend to not give Him our highest priority? What would life look like now for us if God hadn’t given us His best? What could our lives look like now if we decided to give Him the first and the best that we have? How will this change our lives? Discuss.
3. Read Malachi 3:10-12. God doesn’t just want to “take” from us. His desire is to is to bless us beyond measure, overflowing! Does God really “need” out tithes? Why does He require it and what is the consequence according to this passage and others in the Bible if we don’t give Him our first fruits? What is the blessing?
4. Read Proverbs 3:9-12, 1 Timothy 6:9-10, Luke 12:34 & Exodus 23:19. Where is your personal treasure? God wants to own our hearts. He desires for us to make Him first just as a spouse would want from his/her partner. Where we put our money often demonstrates the things that have our heart according to these scriptures. Evaluate the things that have your hearts silently. How can we demonstrate better our Love for the Lord and put Him first? Discuss.
5. Read Matthew 6:24-33 & Leviticus 27:30. God always knows the things that we need; however, in fear we tend to withhold from Him. What are some of the things that you worry about the most and in turn it causes you to keep things back from God?