The Parable Of The Sower

Sep 6, 2020    Pastor Zac Bayless


1.Read Matthew 13:1-9 & 19-23. What does the soil of your heart look like in regards to this parable? Discuss where you personally are in your walk with the Lord. What needs to happen in order for your soil to be considered good soil?

2.Take a few minutes for God to speak to you. Ask Him to show you how your ground can be “healthy” good soil. What did He share with you. Share with the group.

3.Are there good things growing out of your life? Discuss some personal growth over the past 6 months.

4.Have you had any personal pruning in the past 6 months. Discuss what that looks like for you? How has it benefitted you? What are some areas that the Lord still needs to prune?

5.How do rains/storms (hard times) grow our faith garden? Discuss as a group.