Faith In The Fire

May 24, 2020    Pastor Doug Hodgens


1. Read Daniel 1:1 & Romans 10:17. Just like this circumstance, have you ever been in a place where it seemed like there was no way out of it? What was the outcome? How did it stretch your faith? Discuss with the group.

2. Read Daniel 1:8-9 & Daniel 1:17. Like Daniel, has God ever required you to do something that was in complete opposition with everyone around you? How did you feel during that time? Did it make you question your faith and why you were even doing it? What was the outcome? Discuss.

3. Read Daniel 3:16-18. Have you ever felt completely out of control of a situation that was impossible? How did God come through for you? What was your “stand,” much like the three men in the fire? Did you feel the presence of God there with you in the situation? Describe what it was like for you during that time and what you could possibly do better in the future.

4. Read Daniel 3:24-25. Jesus is always walking with us through our own fires. Describe a time when you actually felt Him there with you through a tough situation. How did you respond to it? What will help you remember that He is there with you during tough times in the future? Discuss.

5. Read Isaiah 43:2. God is ALWAYS with us through good and bad times. He never promised we wouldn’t have troubles, in fact He promised that troubles will come our way. How can we continue to stand strong through tough times, knowing that God is walking through it with us? Discuss with the group some practical ways to remember this.