LIFE Groups

Find Your Place

Everyone can join a group! Our hope is for every person at Christ Church to be connected in a meaningful
community. With so many groups to choose from, we are confident there is a group that will be a great fit for you! Our groups meet in three semesters with break in between each. Our Spring semester runs from January 28 to April 27, Summer goes from June  2 to July 13 and our Fall semester runs from August 25 to November 23.
Is childcare available in Life Groups?
Childcare varies from group to group. When you search our directory for a group, the group profile will indicate if childcare is available.
Where do Life Groups meet?
They meet at various locations throughout Wichita and online. You can check out the directory for more specific locations.
What happens at Life Group?
Every Life Group is different, yet still offering the same key components. Life Groups can be friends having lunch, guys playing a round of golf, or people studying a book or topic of interest. All Life Groups must have these four things: fellowship with others, an activity or discussion, prayer, and a spiritual component such s a Bible verse or Sunday message reflection.
How long does a typical Life Group stay together?
We have three trimesters every year: Spring semester (13 weeks ),  Summer semester (6 weeks ), and Fall semester (13 weeks), and you can join a group at any time during the semester. Some groups will stay together semester after semester, but you also have the opportunity to try a different group every semester if you’d like.  
I signed up for a Life Group, now what?
A leader from that group will reach out to you with further details about the next meeting. Make sure you check the email you used to sign up.
How do I lead a Life Group?
We are so glad you asked! You can lead a Life Group by first attending Growth Track. Once completed, you will attend the Life Group Leader Training and connect with a staff member to get your group ready!
What kind of Life Group do I have to lead?
We want people to gather together based on things they enjoy and are important to them so our groups are “common interest”.  Simply do what you like to do and just bring others with you!