Freedom Isn't Free
1. Read 1 Corinthians 1:18. How is the message of salvation foolishness to the non-believer? When did it begin to make sense to you? Share your story in brief with the group.
2. Read Revelations 12:10-11. Our inheritance is death due to the nature of our sin. Jesus came to disrupt that inheritance and conquer death for us. Who is “they” that this passage is referring to? We know that Jesus overcame sin and death, but who is “they?” Have you come to a place yet where you are able to say that you do not love your life when faced with death for the cause of Christ? What are the things that you are holding too tight to? Discuss.
3. Read Matthew 26:62-68. Have you ever been accused of something falsely like Jesus was? What was your response? After reading these scriptures, we know what Jesus did not give an answer for accusations. Why is it so difficult to hold our tongue in moments like these? How can we do better in the future?
4. Read Isaiah 53:5. Jesus endured the most painful sacrifice in all of history or in all time since. He didn’t just do it so we would go to heaven. According to this scripture, what are the other reasons he was beaten so badly? As Christians, why do we struggle living in freedom? What are some of the reasons that we only receive a portion of why He died and endured the cross for us? Discuss.
5. Read Isaiah 26:3, Isaiah 53:5, & Hebrews 8:12. Jesus endured the horrific so that we could be healed of our own brokenness. Reflect on these passages, spend a moment in silence, and ask God to reveal some personal areas that you still need healing and/or freedom in? God didn’t intend for us to remain broken. He sent His only son to ensure that we had a way to find healing and freedom through the price that He personally paid. This week, be challenged to write down three areas in your life that need the personal touch of the Father and spend time in prayer daily over them, asking Him to heal t