24/7 Hour Prayer Room
Prayer is a vital part of worship. It deepens our relationship and energizes our walk with Christ. Join us in this movement to cover not only our church but our city in prayer... 24 hours a day. If this is your FIRST time visiting our prayer room please fill out the interest form below. If you are a returning guest, you can register for a time slot below.

21 Days of PRayer
Every January and August, we spend 21 days seeking God through prayer. We have seen our church and countless lives impacted by these focused seasons of prayer. It would be an honor for you to join us! If you sense God has more for your life, 21 Days of Prayer is a great place to start believing Him for all that He has for you. As you practice seeking Him first, He will move on your behalf like never before. You will start to see the power of prayer impact your relationships, work, family, and every area of your life.