The Time Is Now
1.Read Nehemiah 2:6-20. Have you ever had opposition when God wanted you to do something specific? Did it stop you from doing what God wanted you to do? Discuss the direct affect this had on God’s plan in that situation. Why do you think we face opposition when God asks us to do something?
2.Read Nehemiah 3:1-32. Why do we need to build walls (boundaries) in our lives? How will this help us? How can you do this in a practical, daily way? Discuss.
3. Read Proverbs 4:23-27 & Proverbs 19:19. Name some of the things in these passages that God wants us to guard our hearts against. Which ones do you have more difficulty with? How can you begin to practically guard against those things?
4.Read Ephesians 6:10-12. Do you put on God’s armor daily? Why or why not? How will this be beneficial for your life? What happens when we apply the armor of God to our lives?