Kingdom Values
1.Read Nehemiah 4:19-22. Have you ever been that dedicated to something that God has called you to do along with a team of brothers and sisters in Christ? Discuss that time and how it made you feel. What was the end result? What is keeping you from doing that now?
2.Read Nehemiah 5:6-8. Nehemiah called things out that were out of order to the point where it made the people speechless. He was passionate about things that mattered and not afraid to stand up for what is right. Has this ever happened to you? Discuss. What keeps us silent today on issues that matter? What can we do to live out this truth more consistently and hold others accountable?
3.Read Micah 6:8. God wants us to do what is right and to walk in humility. How can we do this in today’s society where everything turns into political and religious debates and offenses? Is God still calling us to stand up according to this passage, even at the risk of offending others? How do we do that and still show God’s love and humility?
4.Read Nehemiah 5:9 & Romans 2:24. As “Christ”ians, everything we do reflects God himself. Knowing that, how can we better represent Him? What does this look like every day for our lives? How do we better demonstrate our representation of the name of God?