I Am The I AM
1. Read John 4:3-30. Jesus KNOWS us, but do we really KNOW Him? Do you recognize Him as the great I am or as a passenger in your life? How can we really KNOW Jesus and experience Him in a more personal and relevant way in our daily lives? How did the Samaritan woman discover who Jesus really was according to this passage and how did that change her life? Discuss.
2. Read John 4:39-42. Jesus didn't shame the Samaritan women, but instead invited her into the light from her sin. He wanted to set her free. Discuss a time where God revealed a sin in your life and it caused freedom for you. How is this different from when you have been shamed in the past?
3. What are some areas that you still need rescuing in or freedom from? What is holding you back? Discuss this with the group and pray as a group for each others areas that need freedom.
4. Read the following passages out loud with each other that Jesus identifies himself as THE GREAT I AM! 1. John 6:35, 41, 48, 51; John 8:12; & John 10:7, 9.