I AM The Resurrection - Easter Sunday
1. Read John 11:3-4. How can illness be unto God's glory? What possible purpose can there be in any illness? Have you ever encountered a time where Jesus was the only hope in the situation? Discuss with the group.
2. Read John 11:17-27. Jesus wants to redeem our past, renew our present, and refocus our future!. He did that in this passage but how is He doing it in your life?
3. Read John 11:25-26 & 38-44. How has Jesus resurrected you? What are some things He has done in your life that have raised you to life? Discuss with the group and encourage each other.
4. Read Romans 6:4 & John 11:25-26. How are some new ways that Jesus can invade your life and change your future? Name some people that God has laid on your life that need to hear this message. Pray over them as a group.