All Authority
1. Read Matthew 28:16-17 & Matthew 28:18. Even though they saw Jesus, they still doubted who He was. We have to see who He is in order to live out the Great Commission. How can you do that? How can we see Jesus in His full authority? How can we walk in that same authority that has been granted to us? Discuss.
2. Read Hebrews 1:1-4 & Matthew 19:25-26. Jesus is the key to the kingdom. There are some things that ONLY JESUS CAN DO. What are some things that you have a hard time surrendering to the Lordship of Christ? What do you need to do in order to surrender them?
3. Read Revelation 5:2-8. When you truly have Jesus' authority living in you, through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, you have the same authority He has. What are some areas in your life that needs an encounter of Jesus' authority? Do you struggle with fear in some of these areas? Discuss.
4. Read Romans 8:35-39. Suffering often comes to those who follow Jesus. When suffering comes, His people often grow more. Why is this? Discuss a time where you went through a type of suffering and experienced growth personally. Why are we always afraid of this?