Road Trip
1.Read Matthew 2:1-8. Why were the wise men looking for Jesus – and why do we? Discuss with the group when you began searching for Jesus and what prompted the search.
2.Read Matthew 2:2 & Jeremiah 29:12-13. When we search for Jesus, we will find him. This passage says we must search “wholeheartedly.” Do you consider yourself searching for him that way? Why or why not? What needs to change if not? What is causing you not to? Discuss.
3.Read Matthew 2:4-6. No matter how far we feel from God, He is always near. Discuss a time where you felt like God was far away and how He showed up for you.
4.Read Matthew 2:9-12. Discuss the most precious gift (besides Jesus) that you have ever been given on this earth. How has that gift influenced your life personally? Compare it to the gift of Christ and how that has changed your life. Discuss as a group.