Give Like Jesus

Dec 6, 2020    Pastor Dennis Turner


1.Read John 3:16 & John 13:1-9. Jesus gave it all, but He knew that we also needed each other. He didn’t have to do all He did and still chose to. How do we share love for each other in the way that He did? How can we give the way He did according to these passages. Discuss.

2.Read John 13:12-15 & 1 Corinthians 12:26. How do we suffer with those who suffer, honor others, and rejoice with them? Have you put yourself out there recently to be there for someone hurting? Talk about your experience.

3.Read John 14:1 & John 15:4-5. How can you stay connected to the Father and connected to others intentionally? Discuss as a group.

4.Read John 16:1 & John 17:20. We can stay connected to the father through prayer. What can you do to increase that prayer connection with God and with others?