Arise And Go

Jun 21, 2020    Pastor Dennis Turner


1. Read Jonah 3:1-3. After being in the belly of a whale, Jonah finally decided to obey the word of the Lord to go to Ninevah. Have you ever had difficulty surrendering to God’s will the first time He asked you to do something? What was the result? What did it take for you to do what He asked you to do? Discuss.

2. Read Jonah 3:4-10. Sometimes our expectations of what we think will happen when God asks us to do something are well exceed like in this situation. Discuss a time when God did something that you didn’t expect after you doubted the possibility of what God could do in that situation.

3. Read 2 Corinthians 5:20. Our responsibility as Christians is to reconcile people to God. Have you been actively doing that? How exactly can you do that in your daily life? Discuss as a group.

4. Read James 1:1 (AMP). We are called to be servants of God. What does this actually mean? How can we do this better? Discuss.

5. Read Philippians 2:3 & James 2:14. Do you live your life according to the requirements of these passages? What areas do you struggle with the most? How can you improve in these areas? How is it possible to have faith without works? Discuss as a group.