Go Where? To “Those People”?
1. Read Jonah 1:1-3. Sometimes as Christians, we turn our noses up at people who are uncomfortable for us to reach. Jonah did this. He felt like they didn’t deserve the opportunity for God to save them. In this passage, Jonah was commanded to go to the people of Nineveh and he disobeyed. When we disagree with God, what are the personal consequences?
2. Read Jeremiah 18:7-10. God’s desire is for us to turn from evil. Jonah wanted to see the people destroyed, but God’s heart is to redeem. Why is it difficult for us to view others as redeemable, just a Jonah was? How can we better see people through God’s lens? Discuss as a group.
3. Read Matthew 12:39-41. Jonah decided to CHOOSE those he wanted to have a heart for. Don’t we do the same thing? God wants to show His heart for ALL people. Take a moment to ask God where you personally fall short. Discuss.
4. Read Jonah 1:4-17 & Psalm 139:1-10. There’s no way to run from God since He is everywhere. Discuss a time when you ran from God’s presence and what happened because of it.
5. Read Matthew 25:31-40. Ask God to put people on your heart that you can reach and love. Ask Him to bring you out of the normal realm that you reach into and to those that He is calling. Who are some of the people you fe