The Servant Life
1. Read Matthew 4:23-25. Jesus didn't just talk about what He would or could do, He went out doing it all over. He modeled for us how we should live. Why do you think we aren't bringing healing to others today? Discuss.
2. Read Matthew 5:38-48 & Matthew 6:1-4. We should be outserving each other and the world as Jesus did. What would that look like for you? How do we change our actions to reflect this type of lifestyle? What keeps us from living this way?
3. Read Matthew 5:41. How can you go the second mile with others? How do we serve others better? Discuss as a group.
4. Read John 13:3-5 & John 13:14-15. Jesus, the Son of God, was the greatest servant of all. Why did He choose to wash the feet of his disciples? Did He "need" to do that? What was the purpose of that and what does this teach us?
5. Read Acts 1:8. The Holy Spirit gives us power to do things we are unable to do on our own. What are some things that you feel you cannot do without the aid of the Holy Spirit. Discuss them with the group and pray over them and ask the Holy Spirit to assist you in these areas.