Judge Not

May 23, 2021    Pastor Curtis Cooley


1. Read Matthew 7:1 & Luke 18:9-14. Have you ever made a judgement on a person and not extended grace and understanding to them? What happened?
What is at the heart of judgement? Why do we judge others? How can we be better at this? Discuss.

2. Read Galatians 6:1. How can we restore someone who is living in sin? How can we show love and correction at the same time in gentleness?

3. Read Matthew 7:7-12. If we don't know how to handle a situation with a person and it is causing us to go to judgement, the first thing we should do is go to the Lord and ask Him how to handle it. Have you ever had a hard situation with a person like this and the Holy Spirit asked you to handle it in a different manner than you normally would have? Discuss with the group.

4. Do we really want to see God's Kingdom grow? Will it continue to grow if we judge those who walking through sin? How can we be more effective in building the Kindom of Christ?

5. Pray as a group and ask the Lord to help each individual find a person that they can focus on for the next three months to restore to His Kingdom through His love.