Penny and the Sun

Jul 19, 2020    Pastor Norm Nevins


1. Read James 4:1. We often depend on our own thoughts and desires and not those of God. What are some things that cause personal conflicts in your life that are because you are thinking outside of what God thinks? What can you do to resolve it? Discuss.

2. Read Philippians 2:1-5. It doesn’t please God for us to remain in conflict with others. According to this passage, what do we need to do to live in unity with one another? What are some personal things that you have done in your life to resolve conflict Biblically? Discuss with the group.

3. Read James 4:4. Sometimes we care more what others think than what God thinks. We idolize the opinions of man and desire what the world offers and this causes a great conflict and distance between us and God. How can we change that type of behavior? What can we do practically in our everyday life to resolve our behavior towards God?

4. Read 1 John 2:15-17. Nothing in this world will last eternally, except what is of God. How can we make better choices to build stronger relationship with God over a relationship with things of this world? How can we fulfill God’s will if we are constantly pulled into the lust of the flesh and things of the world? What needs to personally change in your own life and how do you plan to do that? Discuss.

5. Read James 4:3 & James 4:13-16. We often do things with the wrong motives, even pray. How can we do things more in the will of the Father? Describe a way that you can pray for the Father’s will and follow through with it regularly? Discuss as a group.