Love and Honor

Feb 2, 2020    Pastor Dennis Turner


1. Read John 13:34-35. Talk about what the word love actually means in this passage. What is the world’s definition of love? What is the Biblical definition of love? Discuss some of the type of people that are difficult for you to love and those who are easy. How can you be challenged to love those who are outside of your comfort zone? Are we truly disciples of Christ if we don’t show the love of Jesus to others, including those we don’t like or consider our enemies?

2. Read Romans 5:8, 14:19, 1 Thessalonians 5:11, 1 Corinthians 14:26b, & Ephesians 4:15-16. What is the key to love in all of these passages? What is the purpose of love mentioned in them? How can we do this better? Discuss as a group.

3. Read Ephesians 4:29-32 & Proverbs 18:21. Words are very powerful. Discuss a time with the group when you saw a word you had spoken allow someone to really be filled and grow them. Discuss a time when a word that you spoke caused the opposite effect by tearing them down and what happened to them as a consequence.

4. Read Romans 12:10. What are some ways that you can show someone preference or above yourself practically on a day-by-day basis? What is difficult about this type of a lifestyle practice? Share with the group.

5. Read Proverbs 3:9. God deserves the first of all we have and own, but so do others if we are to represent Him fully. How can we put others first? Name one thing you can work on tomorrow in this area.

6. Read James 3:9-10 & Ephesians 4:29-32. How can we become a culture of people who live a culture of honor? What are some ways that we can do this daily? Discuss a time recently when your mouth did not align with a culture of honor. Now, discuss what you could do differently next time.

7. Read Isaiah 41:10 & Galatians 6:2. The “C”hurch has often failed at bearing each other’s burdens. Why do you think that is such a struggle? Discuss. How can we do this practically in every day life?