The Way Of The Wise
1. Read Matthew 2:1-12. In this text, the wise men from the East were actually scientists who practiced other religions. God used these people to inform Herod and his people know that the Messiah was born. This means that God revealed himself even in his son’s birth to those who had no concept of Him or His purpose. What led you to believe in the truth of God’s Word? Have you ever witnessed God use someone that had no understanding of the Gospel in order to spread the message? Discuss as a group.
2. Read Colossians 1:21-22. God found each and every one of us in a state of sin. His fleshly birth, through Jesus, and resurrection offered the opportunity for redemption for us. Reflect on the truth of this statement. What are some things that we can do to keep that fresh in our memory daily? What are some of the things that Jesus rescued you from? Share this with the group.
3. Read Matthew 2:11. The wise men who sought out Jesus actually studied the stars. The reason they were chosen to find Jesus in the first place was because they had been studying the night skies. They were wealthy scientists who were not inclined to bow down to anyone but a king. The Greek work proseknesan is used to describe ordinary people paying tribute to a king. They saw a baby, having no understanding of prophesy given and the depth of what was happening and they bowed down and worshipped Him as the King. How do you see Jesus? Do you see Him as common and everyday? When you worship Him, are you seeing Him as a baby or the King of all creation? Discuss.
4. Read Galatians 5:22-23. Not only was Jesus our gift, but he offers so many more gifts to us as believers. What are some of the gifts mentioned here that you struggle with the most? We become more like Christ as we follow Him. How can we seek these gifts/fruits every day? Ask God in this moment to show you how to seek Him in these areas.