Agree With The Father

Jan 17, 2021    Pastor Dennis Turner


1. Read James 4:1-3 & 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. The absence of prayer in our lives causes so many things in our lives to be out of order. How can we actually "pray without ceasing" when our lives are busy or chaotic? What things can you do to live that kind of lifestyle? Discuss how that could change things in your life.

2. Read James 5:13. When we are going through pain, we should pray according to this passage. Discuss a time you were going through something very difficult with the group and how prayer helped you through it. Encourage each other.

3. Read James 5:14-18. Discuss all of the different purposes and uses for prayer in this passage. What times do you struggle with prayer the most? How can you change that pattern?

4. Write down these passages for prayers that you and I should pray and discuss. A. When you are struggling - Psalm 42, B. Prayer for Repentence - Psalm 51, C. When You are Fearful - Psalm 34, D. When You are Happy - Phillipians 4.