The Gospel is good news for all

Dec 14, 2023


Often, what’s good news for some is devastating for others. A promotion is good news if you’re the one getting promoted. A surprise pregnancy is good news for a couple who has been trying for years. For the person passed over for promotion or the teen not ready for parenthood, the same news might bring tears. 

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!” - Luke 2:14

The angel’s announcement to the shepherds was special because he declared, “Good news that will cause great joy for all the people” (Luke 2:10). This wasn’t good news for some and bad news for others. This news wasn’t reserved for the wealthy or elite. This was good news for everyone, everywhere. Jesus, the promised deliverer, had arrived. Things were going to be different. Not just for some but for everyone. 

The angel met the shepherds in a field at night. No matter who you are or what you do, Jesus wants to be your king. Regardless of status, pedigree, or socioeconomic status, Jesus meets us right where we are. That’s good news!  


- How do we know that Jesus’ kingdom is open to everyone? 

- The news about Jesus was so good the shepherds couldn’t keep it to themselves (Luke 2:20). Is there anyone you need to share the good news with this Christmas?