We can trust Him with the impossible

Dec 6, 2023


We do not often find ourselves in impossible situations. Most of the time, we see a path through the difficulty. But what do we do when our situation proves impossible? When Gabriel announces his astonishing message, we learn how Mary handles the impossible. 

“For nothing will be impossible with God.” - Luke 1:37

Mary’s first response was to ask an honest question: “How will this be since I am a virgin?” No doubt, being pregnant without having sex sounded just as impossible then as it does today. Beyond the impossibility of her pregnancy, Mary faced the ridicule of her community and potential divorce from her husband. Despite her initial shock, Mary turned neither to skepticism nor cynicism. Listen to Mary’s faith: “I am the Lord’s servant, Let it be to me as you have said.” Mary walked forward in confidence, not because she had all the answers, but because she knew the Lord did. Her God could do anything. 

Many stand in need of a Christmas miracle. We face impossible circumstances with honest questions and unshakeable faith. May we fix our eyes on Him and believe nothing is impossible with our God.  


- What impossible situation are you facing?

- Are you viewing that circumstance with faith or cynicism?

- What would it look like to trust God to do the impossible?