The Big Pictures

Jun 13, 2021    Pastor Dennis Turner


1. Read Acts 19:1-2 & Exodus 19:16-20. Discuss your understand of "receiving" the Holy Spirit. What is some of the common mis-information that you have heard or been taught? Discuss with the group why this causes disunity within the body of Christ.

2. Read Acts 2:1-4 & Acts 2:41. Why do you suppose that ALL were filled with the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost? What came out of those who were filled according to these passages?

3. Read Romans 8:9-17. Without the presence of God and time in His presence, we will struggle to figure things out on our own. Discuss a time with the group when you were struggling and found an answer or the Holy Spirit helped you with a situation just by spending time in His presence.

4. Read Acts 10:38 & 1 Corinthians 2:3-5. Are you lacking the power of God in your life? How can you walk in His power and overcome things like weakness and fear? What are some areas in your life that need the power of God?

5. Read 1 Thessalonians 1:4-7. If you can accomplish something for God without His power, it was your idea not God's. What are some things that God is giving you to do that you cannot do without God's provision? Pray over these things with the group and ask God to give you provision for the purpose He has for you.