A Faithful Servant

Nov 8, 2020    Pastor Norm Nevins


1.Read Matthew 25:14-15. God has given each of us skills, abilities, and opportunities. What are some of the things that he has given to you? Discuss some of those gifts with the group.

2.Read John 14:12 & Matthew 25:16-18. When God gives us gifts or resources, it is a call to action. He is trusting us with the things that He gives us. Discuss what you are currently doing with the things that God has entrusted you with. Are there any gifts that you have hidden in the ground just like the man who was given the one talent? Why? What is God requiring of you to do with that gift(s)?

3.Read Matthew 25:19-23 & Galatians 6:9-10. God Has given us all that we need to become successful. When we use the gifts God has given us, He will supply us with more. Are you the 5 talent, 2 talent, or 1 talent person? What keeps us from using our gifts to their full potential? What can you do to be better at using those gifts at their maximum potential? Discuss.

4.Read Matthew 25:24-30. Have you ever viewed God as a harsh judge or a gracious, loving Father? Explain why. What can we do to put our faith into action when we have received good gifts from our Father? Discuss as a group.

5.Read Ephesians 2:10. We are saved by God’s grace, a special gift from Him, not our works. What has God given you to steward for His Kingdom. Are you using what He has given you to bring Him glory? Where has God gifted you to take action? Discuss.